Monday, November 19, 2012


Today’s readings:
Rev 3:1-22; Ps 15:1-5; Luke 19:1-10
The Bahaya of Tanzania have a saying: “The emotionally unmoved is only a stone.” We were made for action and for the right action. Massilon, a French bishop and gifted orator, used to say, ‘I don’t want people leaving my church saying, “What a wonderful sermon – what a wonderful preacher!” I want them to go out saying, “I will do something.” In today’s gospel we read about a man who was physically and spiritually short (Luke 19: 1-10).  This man was called Zaccheus. In Hebrew the name means “clean.” Ironically Zaccheus was clean. No wonder he was spiritually short. He climbed a tree in order to catch a glimpse of Jesus’ face in the crowd. He wanted to see Jesus, that was all. He wanted to observe him. He wanted to spot him.
On his tree branch, he was building the castle in the air. On his tree branch he was speculating. On his tree branch he was forming a conjecture on Jesus’ mission. He did not want to be influenced by Jesus. He did not want to be touched. He did not want to be converted. Jesus ordered him to come down. Zaccheus almost fell out of the tree and he warmly received Jesus. Jesus gave him a name: son of Abraham. That name moved the emotionally unmoved. He was involved. The words of Jesus that “salvation has come into your house,” moved the emotionless. He did something. Jesus wined and dined with him. Zaccheus promised to give the monetary donation to the poor. He did something. After reading this story, the conclusion everyone has to make is: “I will do something.”


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