Monday, October 26, 2015


Monday of the 30th Week in Ordinary Time
October 26, 2015
Today’s readings
1.      Romans 8: 12-17
2.      Luke 13: 10-17
When something good happens, we normally find two types of groups: the delighted and the humiliated. The crippled woman straightened by Jesus was delighted. She was seen and called by Jesus, she was delighted. She, who her eyes were on the ground, after Jesus’ healing touch, she could stare silently into his eyes, she was delighted. She, who could not hold a child or be hugged after Jesus’ healing touch she could hug the child to her chest. She could give any of her relative a big hug. She was delighted. The lovers of the systems and laws more than the people were humiliated.  “The ruler preferred that this woman should like the beasts rather look upon the earth than receive her natural stature, provided that Christ was not magnified,” said St. Cyril the Father of the Church. The ruler of the synagogue was possessed of the self-made hurts. When God blesses your neighbour are you delighted or humiliated?
Prayer for Today  
Oh! Lord Jesus Christ, make me delighted at the welfare of my neighbour. Make me a brother (sister) to everyone. Amen.


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